If you’re looking to convert XLS to QIF keep reading, we’ll use a completely free tool to solve this problem.
Download The XLS To QIF Utility
First grab the Excel converter tool we’ll use Here. We’re using ImportQIF
Open The Excel Converter
To run ImportQIF just double click on ImportQIF.exe or a shortcut to it.
To create a shortcut to ImportQIF.exe right click on it and drag to wherever you want the the shortcut and select “Create shortcut here”.
To remove ImportQIF just delete this folder.
To remove the user settings for ImportQIF click on the Windows Start button and type in %APPDATA% and then enter.
Delete the QuicknPerlWiz folder.
Converting The XLS To QIF
There are various ways to open the file you want converted. There is File -> Open…, but you can also use Windows’ Open With menu selection to open the file with ImportQIF and even make it the default program to use when you open the file in File Explorer or your web browser.
To invoke the Open With menu right click on the file.
Export From Quicken To Excel Or Other Formats
You can export and copy your Quicken data to other programs. For example, from one Quicken account (or file) to another, or to Microsoft Word or Excel. You can read more about that on the Quicken Support page Here