5 Time-Saving Excel Tips and Function Cheatsheet for Beginners

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Excel is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you organize, analyze, and visualize data. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to stay on top of their finances, mastering Excel can save you time, improve your productivity, and open up a world of possibilities. In this article, we’ll share some of our favorite Excel tips and tricks that will help you work faster and more efficiently.

Tip #1: Keyboard shortcuts

One of the easiest and most effective ways to save time in Excel is to use keyboard shortcuts. These are special combinations of keys that allow you to perform common actions quickly and without having to use the mouse. For example, pressing Ctrl + C will copy the selected cells, and Ctrl + V will paste them.

To see a full list of Excel’s keyboard shortcuts, go to the File menu, click Options, and then select the Shortcut Keys tab. From here, you can browse the list of shortcuts and even customize them to suit your needs.

Tip #2: Quick Access Toolbar

Another time-saving feature in Excel is the Quick Access Toolbar. This is a customizable toolbar that appears at the top of the Excel window and allows you to quickly access the most frequently used commands. By default, the Quick Access Toolbar includes common commands such as Save, Undo, and Redo, but you can add any command you like to it.

To customize the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click on it and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar. From here, you can choose which commands to add or remove from the toolbar. You can also change the order of the commands and even create new groups to organize them.

Tip #3: Flash Fill

Excel’s Flash Fill feature is a powerful tool that can help you quickly extract and combine data. It works by automatically detecting patterns in your data and filling in the rest of the cells for you. For example, if you have a column of first names and a column of last names, you can use Flash Fill to create a new column that combines the first and last names.

To use Flash Fill, start by typing the first few entries in the new column. Then, press Enter and Excel will automatically fill in the rest of the cells for you. If it doesn’t work as expected, you can use the Data tab to fine-tune the settings and tell Excel how you want the data to be formatted.

Tip #4: Conditional formatting

Conditional formatting is a feature in Excel that allows you to quickly identify and highlight important data. It works by applying formatting rules to your data based on certain conditions. For example, you could use conditional formatting to highlight all the cells that contain numbers greater than a certain value, or all the cells that contain dates within a certain range.

To use conditional formatting, select the cells you want to apply the formatting to, then go to the Home tab and click the Conditional Formatting button. From here, you can choose from a variety of pre-defined rules or create your own. You can also adjust the formatting options to control the font, color, and other attributes of the cells.

Tip #5: Pivot tables

Pivot tables are a powerful tool in Excel that allows you to quickly summarize and analyze large datasets. They work by organizing the data into rows and columns and then applying calculations such as sums, averages, and counts to the data. For example, you could use a pivot table to quickly calculate the total sales for each product in a dataset.

To create a pivot table, first select the cells you want

Pivot tables (example)

Creating a pivot table in Excel is easy. First, select the cells you want to include in the pivot table, then go to the Insert tab and click the Pivot Table button. In the Create Pivot Table dialog box, choose where you want the pivot table to be placed and click OK.

You can read more about Pivot Tables here

Next, a new worksheet will appear with an empty pivot table and a PivotTable Field List on the right side. To add fields to the pivot table, simply drag them from the Field List and drop them into the appropriate areas. For example, you could drag the “Product” field to the Rows area, the “Sales” field to the Values area, and the “Month” field to the Columns area.

Once you’ve added the fields, you can use the PivotTable Field List to modify the pivot table by changing the calculation methods, filtering the data, or adding subtotals and grand totals. You can also use the PivotTable Tools tabs to further customize the appearance and formatting of the pivot table.

By using these tips and tricks, you can save time and improve your productivity with Excel. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you work faster and more efficiently, and unlock the full potential of this powerful tool.

Excel Cheatsheet: 75 Useful Excel Functions and What They Do

Function Purpose
SUM Adds the values of multiple cells
AVERAGE Calculates the average of the values in a range of cells
MAX Returns the largest value in a range of cells
MIN Returns the smallest value in a range of cells
IF Tests a condition and returns one value if the condition is met and another value if it is not
COUNT Counts the number of cells that contain numbers in a range
COUNTIF Counts the number of cells that meet a specific condition
VLOOKUP Looks up and retrieves a value from a table or range based on a specified criteria
HLOOKUP Looks up and retrieves a value from a table or range based on a specified criteria (horizontally)
INDEX Returns the value of a cell at the intersection of a specified row and column in a range
MATCH Returns the relative position of an item in a range
ROWS Returns the number of rows in a range
COLUMNS Returns the number of columns in a range
SUBTOTAL Returns a subtotal in a list or database
NETWORKDAYS Calculates the number of working days between two dates
CONCATENATE Combines the values of multiple cells into a single cell
LEFT Returns the leftmost characters from a text value
RIGHT Returns the rightmost characters from a text value
MID Returns a specific number of characters from a text value, starting at a specified position
ROUND Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places
ROUNDUP Rounds a number up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of a specified number
ROUNDDOWN Rounds a number down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of a specified number
INT Rounds a number down to the nearest integer
RAND Returns a random number between 0 and 1
RANDBETWEEN Returns a random integer between two specified numbers
TODAY Returns the current date
NOW Returns the current date and time
DATE Returns the serial number of a specified date
TIME Returns the serial number of a specified time
FIND Returns the position of a substring within a string
SEARCH Returns the position of a substring within a string (case-insensitive)
REPLACE Replaces part of a string with another string
LOWER Converts
UPPER Converts a string to uppercase
PROPER Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string
TRIM Removes spaces from a string
LEN Returns the number of characters in a string
NORMSDIST Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution
NORMINV Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution
NORMSINV Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution
T.DIST Returns the Student’s t-distribution
T.INV Returns the inverse of the Student’s t-distribution
T.INV.2T Returns the inverse of the Student’s t-distribution (two-tailed)
CHISQ.DIST Returns the chi-squared distribution
CHISQ.INV Returns the inverse of the chi-squared distribution
CHISQ.INV.RT Returns the inverse of the right-tailed chi-squared distribution
POISSON.DIST Returns the Poisson distribution
WEIBULL.DIST Returns the Weibull distribution
BINOM.DIST Returns the binomial distribution
BINOM.INV Returns the inverse of the binomial distribution
NEGBINOM.DIST Returns the negative binomial distribution
GEOMEAN Returns the geometric mean of a range of numbers
MEDIAN Returns the median of a range of numbers
MODE Returns the most common value in a range of numbers
SLOPE Returns the slope of the linear regression line
INTERCEPT Returns the y-intercept of the linear regression line
CORREL Returns the correlation coefficient
STDEV.S Returns the standard deviation based on a sample
STDEV.P Returns the standard deviation based on the entire population
VAR.S Returns the variance based on a sample
VAR.P Returns the variance based on the entire population
COVARIANCE.S Returns the covariance based on a sample
COVARIANCE.P Returns the covariance based on the entire population
LINEST Returns the parameters of a linear trend
LOGEST Returns the parameters of an exponential trend
GROWTH Returns predicted exponential growth values
TREND Returns values along a linear trend
FORECAST Returns a value along a linear trend
DATE Returns the serial number of a date
NETWORKDAYS Calculates the number of working days between two dates
YEAR Returns the year of a date
MONTH Returns the month of a date
DAY Returns the day of a date

These functions can be used in a variety of ways to perform calculations, make logical comparisons, and extract data from tables and ranges. Counting the number of rows or columns in a range, combining text from multiple cells, and calculating the number of working days between two dates. By mastering these functions, you can unlock the full potential of Excel and use it to analyze and visualize your data in powerful and creative ways.

  1. SUM: Adds the values of multiple cells
  2. AVERAGE: Calculates the average of the values in a range of cells
  3. MAX: Returns the largest value in a range of cells
  4. MIN: Returns the smallest value in a range of cells
  5. IF: Tests a condition and returns one value if the condition is met and another value if it is not
  6. COUNT: Counts the number of cells that contain numbers in a range
  7. COUNTIF: Counts the number of cells that meet a specific condition
  8. VLOOKUP: Looks up and retrieves a value from a table or range based on a specified criteria
  9. HLOOKUP: Looks up and retrieves a value from a table or range based on a specified criteria (horizontally)
  10. INDEX: Returns the value of a cell at the intersection of a specified row and column in a range
  11. MATCH: Returns the relative position of an item in a range that matches a specified value
  12. TODAY: Returns the current date
  13. NOW: Returns the current date and time
  14. ROWS: Returns the number of rows in a range
  15. COLUMNS: Returns the number of columns in a range
  16. SUBTOTAL: Returns a subtotal in a list or database
  17. NETWORKDAYS: Calculates the number of working days between two dates
  18. CONCATENATE: Combines the values of multiple cells into a single cell
  19. LEFT: Returns the leftmost characters from a text value
  20. RIGHT: Returns the rightmost characters from a text value
  21. MID: Returns a specific number of characters from a text value, starting at a specified position
  22. ROUND: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places
  23. ROUNDUP: Rounds a number up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of a specified number
  24. ROUNDDOWN: Rounds a number down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of a specified number
  25. INT: Rounds a number down to the nearest integer
  26. RAND: Returns a random number between 0 and 1
  27. RANDBETWEEN: Returns a random integer between two specified numbers
  28. TODAY: Returns the current date
  29. NOW: Returns the current date and time
  30. DATE: Returns the serial number of a specified date
  31. TIME: Returns the serial number of a specified time
  32. FIND: Returns the position of a substring within a string
  33. SEARCH: Returns the position of a substring within a string (case-insensitive)
  34. REPLACE: Replaces part of a string with another string
  35. LOWER: Converts a string to lowercase
  36. UPPER: Converts a string to uppercase
  37. PROPER: Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string
  38. TRIM: Removes spaces from a string
  39. LEN: Returns the number of characters in a string
  40. NORMSDIST: Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution
  41. NORMINV: Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution
  42. NORMSINV: Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution
  43. T.DIST: Returns the Student’s t-distribution
  44. T.INV: Returns the inverse of the Student’s t-distribution
  45. T.INV.2T: Returns the inverse of the Student’s t-distribution (two-tailed)
  46. CHISQ.DIST: Returns the chi-squared distribution
  47. CHISQ.INV: Returns the inverse of the chi-squared distribution
  48. CHISQ.INV.RT: Returns the inverse of the right-tailed chi-squared distribution
  49. POISSON.DIST: Returns the Poisson distribution
  50. WEIBULL.DIST: Returns the Weibull distribution
  51. BINOM.DIST: Returns the binomial distribution
  52. BINOM.INV: Returns the inverse of the binomial distribution
  53. HYPGEOM.DIST: Returns the hypergeometric distribution
  54. NEGBINOM.DIST: Returns the negative binomial distribution
  55. GEOMEAN: Returns the geometric mean of a range of numbers
  56. MEDIAN: Returns the median of a range of numbers
  57. MODE: Returns the most common value in a range of numbers
  58. SLOPE: Returns the slope of the linear regression line
  59. INTERCEPT: Returns the y-intercept of the linear regression line
  60. CORREL: Returns the correlation coefficient
  61. STDEV.S: Returns the standard deviation based on a sample
  62. STDEV.P: Returns the standard deviation based on the entire population
  63. VAR.S: Returns the variance based on a sample
  64. VAR.P: Returns the variance based on the entire population
  65. COVARIANCE.S: Returns the covariance based on a sample
  66. COVARIANCE.P: Returns the covariance based on the entire population
  67. LINEST: Returns the parameters of a linear trend
  68. LOGEST: Returns the parameters of an exponential trend
  69. GROWTH: Returns predicted exponential growth values
  70. TREND: Returns values along a linear trend
  71. FORECAST: Returns a value along a linear trend
  72. NETWORKDAYS: Calculates the number of working days between two dates
  73. YEAR: Returns the year of a date
  74. MONTH: Returns the month of a date
  75. DAY: Returns the day of a date

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